The production of green environmental protection cables is the general trend

Update:2020-12-24 11:28

The general characteristic of my country's wire and cable industry is "big but not strong." Compared with foreign companies, Chinese companies are one step behind in terms of management level, technological level, technical content, and product quality.

A set of data in the industry shows that the utilization rate of wire and cable equipment in my country is about 30% on average, and the equipment utilization rate of foreign companies often remains at 70%. An expert pointed out that the first reason for the low utilization rate of my country's electrical equipment is overcapacity, and the other is environmental protection that wire and cable companies often ignore. Regarding the first cause of overcapacity, no company can solve it alone; the second environmental problem is that each company can face it alone.

Looking at the countries that produce cables in the world, it is not difficult to find that in recent years, many countries such as Europe, the United States, and Japan have attached great importance to the environmental performance of wires and cables. Their government has not only tightened strict restrictions on emissions from the wire and cable manufacturing process, but also implemented comprehensive monitoring of the disposal of scrapped wires and cables, forcing wire and cable manufacturers to replace traditional materials with materials that meet environmental protection requirements to manufacture environmentally friendly wires and cables. Up to now, various types and uses of wires and cables produced abroad, such as high and low voltage power cables, control cables, communication cables, marine cables, vehicle cables, high frequency coaxial cables, local telephone cables, instrument cables, and construction Branch cables, optical cables, as well as environmentally-friendly wire and cable supporting tapes, connectors, terminals, etc., have been widely used environmentally-friendly products, and non-environmental-friendly wires and cables are left in public places, educational places and other markets. For example, after Japan's Fujikura and other cable companies have developed environmentally friendly wire and cable products, in order to monopolize the market, they have actively promoted the government's promulgation of environmentally friendly wire and cable product standards.

In contrast to my country's wire and cable industry, most of the wire and cable production processes are very polluted; companies emit a large amount of toxic substances such as dioxins, lead, and halogens during the manufacturing, use, and disposal processes. Therefore, under my country's major policy of green energy development, my country's wire and cable companies should actively learn from foreign wire and cable companies, and learn from the environmental protection measures they have adopted for their own use.

The government actively guides

In recent years, the sales share of environmentally friendly wire and cable products has increased dramatically, and ordinary wires and cables and flame-retardant wires and cables cannot compete with them.

As we all know, green wire and cable products are carriers of circular economy. The key to achieving green products is to start with design. Green design or ecological design takes the environment as the core, and uses product life cycle assessment technology to unify many partial design methods in contemporary design methods into a whole to achieve the overall best. Cable manufacturers in developed countries such as Europe, the United States, and Japan have always adhered to the concept of green environmental protection during the production of their products, focusing on green design from the source, and resolutely avoiding the production of harmful substances in the production process. my country's wire and cable companies have just started in product ecological design, and relevant government departments and local agencies have also made relevant regulations to urge companies to implement them. At present, the two cities of Beijing and Shanghai have banned the use of non-environmental-friendly PVC wires and cables, and the railway and communications departments have also issued clear regulations. Subsequently, in the next few years, my country's construction, transportation, transportation, communications departments and all large and medium-sized cities' power supply departments will implement a total ban on the use of non-environmental-friendly wires and cables.

Enterprise autonomous execution

New materials are the core of environmentally friendly cables, and ensuring the green environmental performance of materials used in research and development is the top priority of promoting environmentally friendly cable production. In the production of wire and cable, the cost of raw materials accounts for more than 80% of the cost of product production. Among them, materials such as copper, aluminum, steel core, rubber, plastic, and sheath are the main raw material costs. This requires wire and cable companies to design Work hard on characteristic products, saving raw materials, and developing new environmentally friendly materials.

Industry experts suggest: From the following aspects to build a circular economy in the wire and cable industry.

First, eliminate cold rolling mills and black copper rods. The production process of rolling 8 black copper rods with cold rolling mills is backward, and the black copper rods have high oxide content, low electrical conductivity, poor performance, tensile force to weight ratio, consumables, energy consumption, and serious pollution, and must be eliminated .

Second, actively promote the optimization of aluminum rare earth treatment technology. At present, the production of electrical aluminum rods by continuous casting and rolling technology is quite popular in China and has good performance, but the equipment is still at the level of development in the early 1970s, and there is not much technological innovation. Therefore, wire and cable companies must actively promote my country’s unique aluminum and rare earth optimization processing technology, and use some of the imported key special equipment and technologies to add aluminum-zirconium alloys, transform aluminum melting coal furnaces into aluminum melting fuel oil or natural gas furnaces, and eliminate melting Emissions of coal-burning dust and flue gas from aluminum coal-fired furnaces. At the same time, a flue gas filter device is installed to purify the flue gas, improve the emission quality, increase the yield, and reduce the cost, so that the operating temperature of the wire is increased from 70 to 150, and the current carrying capacity is increased by 1.6 times.

Thirdly, to build a circular economy in the wire and cable industry also requires companies to independently innovate and develop special equipment for wires and cables with excellent performance. At present, the key production equipment of the leading wire and cable products is still far behind the advanced foreign equipment, and there is still a big gap in technical level, which is mainly manifested in low productivity, low automation, high energy consumption, poor reliability, and has not yet met the needs of industry development. , Digestion and absorption are seriously delayed. Once the technical level, performance and reliability of wire and cable special equipment are improved, it will have an important positive effect on improving the quality of wire and cable products, production efficiency, and material utilization. Therefore, enterprises should spare no effort to introduce technology, independently innovate and develop special equipment for wire and cable with excellent performance and high level, in order to create a circular economy in the wire and cable industry.

In addition, manufacturers should strengthen the recycling of waste wire and cable products. In the production process of wire and cable, the enterprise should directly recycle the leftover materials generated. Industry insiders suggest that a professional "polyvinyl chloride" waste recycling and treatment plant be established to process the waste at designated locations and use it for other purposes to avoid secondary pollution.

The current is an important stage of my country’s industrialization and urbanization. Wire and cable companies must seize the strategic opportunity of the development of the power industry, vigorously develop a circular economy, and achieve the greatest economic output with as little resource consumption and as little environmental cost as possible. Achieve the goal of sustainable development of "reduction, reuse, and resource utilization".
